Futurotopias: communities, technologies and feminisms at Hack The Earth
Hack The Earth 2019 took place on April 19-22, organized by the Catalonian colony of Calafou—where liberating fantasies weave desirable futures.
Published 6 May 2019 by Benjamin Cadon
Hack The Earth 2019 took place on April 19-22, organized by the Catalonian colony of Calafou—where liberating fantasies weave desirable futures.
Published 17 May 2017 by Benjamin Cadon
Calafou, the eco-industrial post-capitalist Catalan colony, organized Hack the Earth from April 14 to 16. A bio-political path, both suststainable and desirable, is written there.
Published 28 March 2017 by Benjamin Cadon
Benjamin Cadon (Labomedia) attended the Internet Freedom Festival, an international convergence of hacktivist struggles in Valencia, Spain, on March 6-10. Report.