Flo Kaufmann: Playing with Obsolescence at Kunsthaus Langenthal
For five months, Kunsthaus Langenthal in Switzerland is being transformed into a H.o.Me. – Home for obsolete media. Last week to visit the exhibition.
Published 14 July 2021 by Roland Fischer
For five months, Kunsthaus Langenthal in Switzerland is being transformed into a H.o.Me. – Home for obsolete media. Last week to visit the exhibition.
Published 2 July 2021 by Elsa Ferreira
Et si le courage ultime était de renoncer ? Alors que le GIEC évoque dans son prochain rapport des retombées cataclysmiques du changement climatique dans les années à venir, un trio de chercheurs a abandonné la résilience pour étudier le renoncement. Et propose d’accompagner les entreprises et collectivités territoriales dans la fermeture de domaines stratégiques.
Published 21 June 2021 by Elsa Ferreira
From a hippy festival in rural East Germany after the fall of the Berlin Wall to its current edition in the former headquarters of the Stasi, Werkleitz has come a long way.
Published 17 June 2021 by Rosemary Lee
Rosemary Lee proposes an essay on resilience as a critical approach to technology.
Published 8 June 2021 by Rob La Frenais
The STRP (pronounced "Strype") Festival opened in the Strijp-S area of Eindhoven, Holland, from June 2-6. Makery spoke to festival director Ton Van Gool on the first day of the festival.
Published 7 June 2021 by Cherise Fong
As an extension of the exhibition “Future Technology Products”, Mirabelle Jones spoke with Makery about diversity, technology and the power of speculative fiction.
Published 31 May 2021 by Maxence Grugier
Makery met with Shu Lea Cheang, on the occasion of the presentation of "Virus Becoming", an exhibition that was held at the Departmental Museum of Asian Arts in Nice this May.
Published 28 May 2021 by la rédaction
Schmiede launched its new call for participation for its annual summer camp, to happen in 2021 from September 22 to October 2nd in Hallein, Austria.
Published 18 May 2021 by Rob La Frenais
Helena Nikonole and Lucy Ojomoko create genetically modified bacteria of human skin microbiome that affect the sense of smell transmitted by the human body, a radical approach to issues of health and disease prevention.
Published 14 May 2021 by Ewen Chardronnet
For the Open Source Body festival organized by Makery, the Swiss collective BadLab will give a presentation on May 22 at Volumes Lab in the Oasis21 cooperative in Paris.
Published 14 May 2021 by Stefanie Wuschitz
For the publication "Feral Labs Node Book #1: Rewilding Culture", Stefanie Wuschitz from Mz* Baltazar’s Laboratory proposes an essay on non-formal learning and self-reliant communities.
Published 14 May 2021 by Luis Campos
On the occasion of the end of the release of the associated publication "Feral Labs Node Book #1: Rewilding Culture", Luis Campos proposes the essay "Going Feral".
Published 4 May 2021 by Sandrine Lambert
French socio-anthropologist and digital art critic Jean-Paul Fourmentraux talks about techno-critical hacktivism through his recent book "antiDATA: digital disobedience".
Published 27 April 2021 by Elsa Ferreira
Dans Identités du transitoire (Les Presses du réel, 2021), Jehanne Dautrey et Patrick Beaucé, explorent l'architecture qui se monte aussi vite qu'elle se démonte. Des constructions agiles et politiques ou urgence et réflexion partagent un même espace-temps.
Published 20 April 2021 by Xavier Fourt
The Feral Labs Network (2019-2021) releases this month the publication "Feral Labs Node Book#1: Rewilding Culture". Xavier Fourt from Bureau d'études collective proposes a speculative essay.
Published 13 April 2021 by Rob La Frenais
Jeremy Narby, the worldwide-known author of ‘The Cosmic Serpent’ (1998) is releasing a new book this year, ‘Plant Teachers - Tobacco and Ayhuasca’. Interview.
Published 6 April 2021 by Maxence Grugier
Initiated by artists Benjamin Gaulon and Dasha Ilina, Nø School is a conceptually alternative anti-school spanning two weeks of talks, workshops and other activities in Nevers, France.
Published 29 March 2021 by Elsa Ferreira
From the heart of the waste processing plant in Ivry-sur-Seine outside Paris, Stefan Shankland has been documenting perpetual and inexorable mutations.
Published 23 March 2021 by Maxence Grugier
Since 2018, DISNOVATION.ORG’s Post Growth project puts into critical perspective the imbrications between growth mechanisms and contemporary ecosystemic crises. Part 2.
Published 18 March 2021 by Rob La Frenais
The 11th Liverpool Biennial opens this 20 March 2021. 'The Stomach and the Port' explores notions of the body and ways of connecting with the world. Makery discussed with the Biennal's curator Manuela Moscoso.